No-follow links are saved but still shows Follow
Support at U
When adding a hyperlink to a Rich text for a Collection Item (in TinyMCE), the Rel is set to No Follow, but after saving it shows Follow. Note: In the Public mode, the link is no-follow, so the issue is in the Dashboard only. #hoory
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Armine Zeynalyan
Marianna Martirosyan
Ok, I see. Thanks a lot for the clarification!
Support at U
Marianna Martirosyan, writing to let you know that the issue you reported is connected to the TinyMCE text editor integration in Ucraft Next, you can check it here:
We will let you know once the issue is solved on the their side. However, you can be sure that your links are set to no-follow in any case. 😊
Next Support
Thank you for the point.
A ticket has been created for this. We will update you here, once it is fixed.