Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.
Content Editor
Public Mode
UC Bot
Changelog 2.51
- The performance of event and rental products has been improved due to code refactoring, resulting in faster and more efficient processing.
- The onboarding process has been renewed and updated for both mobile and desktop versions to enhance user experience, offering a more intuitive flow, improved navigation, and clearer steps for getting started.
- During the onboarding, you can now select only the country where your business is located, eliminating the need to fill out full address details.
- The Project Types page and Templates section of the onboarding process have been redesigned, allowing you to select the project type from a dropdown and choose a relevant template more efficiently, streamlining the setup process.
- The Single Page checkout is the default checkout type for the newly created projects, providing a smoother purchasing process.
- The Category Description and Category Icon widgets are now available for the Product List widget, enabling you to enrich your product listings by adding category descriptions for clearer context and category icons for enhanced visual appeal and navigation.
- The Submenu Open Mode dropdown is no longer available for the Menu widget when used in Horizontal mode, simplifying menu behavior customization.
- The email verification process during signup has been improved. When users register with an email, they are directed to a verification screen to enter the code sent to their email address.
- The performance of Sign In, Sign Up, Forgot Password, and Reset Password has been improved due to code refactoring, leading to faster and more efficient processing.
- The Item widget has been replaced with the Title widget within the Accordion widget header, enabling you to customize the heading levels of the widget header.
- In the Content and Design modes, you can now click the Hide Block, Duplicate, Move Up, and Move Down action buttons while hovering over the elements, providing a more streamlined editing experience.
- In the Content and Design modes, the microelements of the main widget are now hoverable, allowing for easier interaction and customization.
- The performance of the Hoory platform has been improved due to code refactoring and UX changes, resulting in a smoother and more intuitive user experience.
- On the Apps page, an app that is successfully configured is labeled Configured, replacing the previous Installed label.
- Phishing detection-related subpages have been updated to enhance platform performance and user experience.
- The UC AI Copilot performance has been improved due to code refactoring, resulting in a smoother user experience.
- During the onboarding process, the total price of a yearly subscription is displayed in the summary when a yearly subscription is selected.
- You can update the uploaded OG image for non-default language in collections.
- The field name is successfully translated when switching to the corresponding language in the Public mode.
- The verification email URL correctly redirects to the corresponding page when resetting the password on a mobile device.
- Customers can now complete the purchase with the saved payment method without errors.
- You can now successfully add a new block in the Content and Design modes when clicking the + icon on the Layout Canvas.
- The extra horizontal scroll bar on the phone number verification popup on the Single Page checkout has been removed.
- The Product Filter widget now functions properly.
- In the Visual Editor, the booking service widgets are properly displayed, when dropped on the Layout Canvas.
- The Home page is now successfully displayed within the Breadcrumb widget when navigating to another page in a non-default language in the Public mode.
- Within the Product List widget, the Product Media widget is located above the Name widget.
- The Product Media widget placeholder is now displayed properly.
- The Data Source dropdown is now disabled on category pages when adding the Category List widget.
- The last sync date is displayed on the Apps page for applications that can be synchronized.
- The configuration status now changes to Configuration Failed when the app configuration fails․
- In the AI Logo Generator, the system successfully updates the logo images when switching between logo options.
- In the UC AI Copilot, the correct project shortcut appears in the search results.
- In the AI Logo Generator's SVG Editor, the toolbar displays the correct font name when editing text and using Undo/Redo actions.
- In the AI Logo Generator, the purchased logo is no longer displayed in the Favorites section.
- And 19 other issues and bugs have been fixed to improve platform stability and functionality.
Visual Editor
Public Mode
UC Bot
Changelog 2.50
- The Category List widget is now available under the General Widgets grouping, allowing you to display your preferred categories in a list.
- The Converse Bank payment method is now available in Settings > Payments, allowing you to offer your customers a wider range of payment options.
- The UC AI Copilot now generates the home page first, allowing you to decide whether to continue generating the entire website.
- The load speed of collection lists in the Public mode has been significantly improved, due to the recent refactoring of the collection list. This enhancement ensures a smoother and more efficient browsing experience.
- The translated system message is displayed after placing an order, ensuring a localized customer experience.
- You can now assign separate dimensions to each variant when the measurement type is set to Item. This enables you to provide more accurate measurements for individual variants, improving inventory management and shipping calculations.
- The Product List and Collection List pagination have been optimized, enhancing SEO by improving the efficiency of page indexing.
- The Product List widget automatically includes the Product Media and Name widgets, allowing for a seamless display of product images and names without the need for extra configuration.
- The Items per Page field is now available in the Settings tab of the Collection List and Product List widgets, allowing you to specify the number of products and collections displayed per page.
- The Save Payment Method functionality is now available for the Single Page and Multi Page (Beta) checkouts, enabling customers to save their payment information for faster future transactions.
- In the Public mode, only the media for the selected product variant is displayed, ensuring a more accurate representation of the chosen option.
- The Single Page checkout functionality has been improved, providing customers a faster and more seamless checkout experience.
- The Mode dropdown is now available for Sign In and Sign Up form widgets with the following options: Email, Phone Number, and Email or Phone. This allows you to control how your customers access your platform.
- You can now select multiple categories when saving blocks in Visual Editor, making organizing and managing your content easier.
- The state parameter has been added to Zoho, allowing for more secure and improved integration functionality.
- You can now sort Webhooks configuration fields either by alphabetical order or by the newest and oldest, making it easier to manage and organize your settings.
- The Uninstall, Install, Activate, and Deactivate buttons in the Apps section have been redesigned for a fresher, more intuitive user experience.
- In the UC AI Copilot, the new generation flow ensures faster website creation, providing a more seamless user experience.
- On the mobile version, you can now successfully enable the Variants toggle without any error messages.
- A larger number of orders are now accurately displayed in the exported attendees file.
- During product creation, changes made to a variant do not override the data of other variants.
- You can now successfully add a postal code for Georgia when adding a warehouse.
- You can now view and track orders successfully without any data loss if a customer completes guest checkout using a phone number and later links that phone number to an account registered with an email.
- Links added to a collection item via the Button and Title widgets are now successfully applied in the Public mode.
- Changes made to the UI elements are now properly applied at smaller breakpoints.
- The Daily Basis renting option is now successfully added to the cart in the Public mode, when the Both (Daily and Hourly Basis) renting type is selected on the Dashboard.
- The x icon successfully closes the search field in the Collapsed mode.
- In the Public mode, filtered products are displayed instantly when using the price filter.
- The Gallery widget successfully inherits and displays the correct number of columns set in Design System > UI Elements > Gallery.
- The changes made to the Follow Us UI element are now successfully applied to the Follow Us widget icon.
- The location link for the online events is successfully displayed in the Public mode.
- The correct list of products is now displayed when filtered by category name if subcategories are added.
- The category filter is correctly displayed in the Visual Editor when subcategories are added.
- The product filter is now successfully displayed on the Category page in the Public mode and is shown in the correct language when subcategories are added.
- Events are now successfully displayed on Google Calendar.
- In the Ucraft App Store, you can now uninstall apps with failed configurations.
- The values of configuration fields are no longer visible when disconnecting the app.
- You will receive a notification on the Dashboard if the token for the Zoho app has expired.
- In the AI Logo Generator’s SVG Editor, changing text fonts from the left panel no longer affects the text's position within the layout.
- In the AI Logo Generator mobile version, images on the preview page no longer reload after closing the Dotted Menu.
- And 38 other issues and bugs have been fixed to improve platform stability and functionality.
Visual Editor
Project Dashboard
Content Editor
Public Mode
Changelog 2.49
- The Shipments section is now available in Dashboard > Commerce, enabling you to track and manage all your project shipments in one place.
- The system is now available in Turkish, offering an enhanced experience in your preferred language.
- The system now automatically detects the currency and domain for users in Armenia, streamlining their experience.
- The Category and Price toggles are now available in the Product Filter widget, allowing you to easily enable or disable the Category and Price filters as needed.
- The new Multi Page (Beta) checkout type is now available, featuring a fixed layout. This streamlined approach allows customers to complete their purchases seamlessly across multiple steps, enhancing the overall shopping experience.
- The Default Mode dropdown is now available in the Settings tab for the Search widget, allowing you to define whether the search input is displayed in Public mode as Expanded or Collapsed.
- The platform performance has been improved due to attribute values refactoring, optimizing data handling, and ensuring consistency across the platform.
- Loyalty points are awarded to the customer once the invoice for the order is generated, ensuring they are credited as part of the payment completion process.
- The Twitter icon has been replaced by an X icon inside the Follow Us widget, providing an updated design to match the platform's new name.
- The Dashboard, Content Mode, Design Mode, and Advanced Mode are now available in the mode switcher located in the top panel of the Dashboard and Visual Editor, making it easier to switch between modes while editing your website. These options allow you to manage products and orders, customize text and visuals, adjust structure styles and translations, and customize your layout.
- The Breakpoint and Page switchers have been repositioned in the top panels of the Visual Editor and Dashboard. The Breakpoint switcher is now centered, while the Page switcher is positioned on the left, providing a more intuitive layout for easier navigation.
- The Language Switcher and Redo/Undo buttons have been repositioned in the top panels of the Visual Editor and Dashboard. They are now located in the second panel, providing a more intuitive layout for easier navigation.
- The Project icon now displays Project Settings, Billing, and My Projects options navigating you to the respective pages.
- The Hoory chat icon with support and Hoory chat with bot icon have been redesigned, providing a fresher and more intuitive user experience.
- The Hotjar and Upgrade icons have been repositioned in the top panels of the Visual Editor and Dashboard, which are now located on the left panel.
- SEO for the collection list and product list has been optimized, due to code improvements.
- You can set negative values for letter spacing in Design System > Typography, allowing you to adjust the spacing between characters for a more compact or tighter text appearance.
- You can now upload any media type from any tab in the Media app, allowing for greater flexibility and more efficient content management.
- Widget performance has been improved due to optimizing and refactoring the widget rendering process.
- The UC AI Copilot has been redesigned to enhance the user experience, offering a more intuitive interface.
- In the UC AI Copilot, the logo generation step has been removed, and a sample logo is now displayed, streamlining the process for a smoother experience.
- The Tag functionality is now available in Zoho, allowing the system to automatically streamline data organization by adding existing tags to each module and including selected tags during data mapping.
- The draft products are not visible inside the Product List and Collection List widgets in Visual Editor.
- You can now successfully change the visibility of booking products using bulk actions.
- The translation values are now properly displayed in the Visual Editor.
- The Gallery field images are displayed in the correct quantity for articles in the Public mode.
- You can now seamlessly add slides to the Slider widget by clicking the + Add Slide button in the Content tab.
- The styles are now successfully applied to the Gallery widget at the 320px to 768px breakpoints.
- The Order Details page of My Account correctly displays the order time in the Public mode.
- The Name widget inherits the typography styles when dragged and dropped into the Product List widget.
- The colors defined in Design System > Typography are successfully displayed in the Visual Editor for the Paragraph and Title widgets.
- You can now successfully apply modes to Checkbox Item within the Form widget.
- The filtered parameters are now correctly displayed in the Public mode after a page refresh.
- Categories deleted from the Dashboard are successfully removed from the Visual Editor.
- The Category Name widget successfully inherits the heading styles after disabling the With Link toggle in the Content tab.
- The Visibility Settings now retain the set parameters after a page refresh.
- The Visual Editor functions correctly when selecting Customer Groups with the Logged In Visibility Session.
- In the Ucraft App Store, you can now successfully vote on the already voted review.
- A correct error message is displayed when there is a problem deactivating the app.
- You can now successfully configure DHL on the Apps page.
- On the Apps page, a notification appears when your account on the Zoho platform expires.
- And 41 other issues and bugs have been fixed to improve platform stability and functionality.
Visual Editor
Project Dashboard
Public Mode
UC Bot
Changelog 2.48
- Child templates are now available for each product type and category in Visual Editor, allowing you to customize each layout individually to suit the style and requirements of that specific product or category.

- The Reset functionality is now available for the product type and category child templates, enabling you to restore the default layout settings and return to their original appearance.
- The Duplicate functionality is now available for blocks in the Visual Editor, allowing you to create an exact copy for easy editing or reuse.
- Text Wrap is now available in Typography within Visual Editor and Design System, offering options such as Wrap (default), No Wrap, Balance, and Pretty. These options provide flexible text alignment and enhance readability across various layouts.
- Text Overflow is now available in Typography within Visual Editor and Design System, offering options like Clip and Ellipsis to manage how text is displayed when it exceeds its container, ensuring a cleaner and more controlled layout.
- You can now select multiple menu pages at once in the Menu widget when adding links to the navigation menu, making it easier to build and organize your menu.
- The Help icon is now available on the Colors page of the AI Logo Generator mobile version, providing color tooltips.
- A confirmation popup now appears in the AI Logo Generator before closing or reloading the page if a brand book download is in progress, preventing any accidental interruption of the download process.
- A sample logo now appears on the generated website’s preview page, allowing you to check its positioning before selecting one of the generated logo options.
- HayPost is now available in the Ucraft App Store, providing businesses in Armenia with both local and international shipping options, real-time tracking, and on-demand pickup services.
- CDEK is now available in the Ucraft App Store, offering a range of shipping and courier services and providing both domestic and international parcel delivery, express shipping, and e-commerce logistics solutions.
- The Popular Apps category is now available in the Ucraft App Store, showcasing the most frequently installed apps.
- You will receive a card expiration notification for your billing profile if it expires within the current month, helping you stay informed and update your payment details on time.
- Dashboard performance has improved due to visibility filter refactoring.
- The Location section on the Dashboard has been renamed to Warehouse to provide a clearer understanding of its purpose in managing inventory and stock locations.
- During the purchase on the Dashboard, you are now redirected to the corresponding payment gateway to complete your transaction securely.
- The platform performance has been enhanced due to notification template improvement.
- Visibility Settings performance has been improved due to refactoring.
- Missing translations on the My Account page in the Visual Editor have been added to the Translation App, enhancing localization and providing a better user experience.
- The Heading and Paragraph settings no longer impact elements within the Rich Text editor, allowing for more precise control over text styling within the editor itself.
- The initial blocks of the website generated in UC AI Copilot now display Lorem Ipsum content, enhancing the user experience.

- In the UC AI Copilot, the loading icon is now displayed in the prompt field while the website description is being generated, showing the progress of the generation.
- In the UC AI Copilot, the Regenerate this Prompt button has been removed to prevent accidental website regeneration and simplify the user experience.
- Phishing detection has been updated with new tools to prevent any potential vulnerabilities between you and your customers.
- The AI Logo Generator mobile version has been updated, providing a more stable version and better UX.
- An Empty State is now available for search results in the Ucraft App Store, providing a clear message when no matching apps are found.
- The search page UX has been improved, offering a smoother and more intuitive experience for finding apps in the Ucraft App Store.
- An Empty State is now available for the project switcher, providing a clear message when no projects are available to select.
- Changes made to venue names in Event List are now applied instantly without requiring a page refresh.
- Videos are now successfully displayed in the Public mode on iPhone devices.
- The Migration mode is now displayed correctly without any irrelevant data.
- The edited values for Padding, Radius, Border, and Margin system variables are now successfully updated in the Public mode.
- The Mode Switcher widget dropdown menu no longer expands in Visual Editor.
- The texts in Armenian are displayed with the correct dimensions in Content > SEO.
- The Product Name widget successfully inherits link styles from the Design System.
- The extra dropdown near the pagination has been removed.
- The overlay now successfully opens when adding a link to the Button widget, even if no trigger is set.
- Default placeholders are successfully displayed on the newly created product single page when navigating from another product page.
- In the Public mode, users can no longer sign up on the Sign-Up page without ticking the Terms of Service checkbox.
- You can now change the Radio Button mode in Design System > UI Elements.
- The first block is now properly displayed in the AI Logo Generator mobile version.
- The History section properly displays the history of previously created websites in the UC AI Copilot.
- The Bring Backward and Bring Forward buttons function properly in the AI Logo Generator’s SVG Editor.

- In the AI Logo Generator's SVG Editor, the Undo/Redo buttons now function correctly, even when no figure is selected.
- You can now successfully change the icon size in the AI Logo Generator’s SVG Editor.
- The customized logo appears in the Favorites section of the AI Logo Generator’s SVG Editor.
- The Sync button in the Ucraft App Store functions properly.
- You can now successfully deactivate the installed app in the Apps section.
- And 43 other issues and bugs have been fixed to improve platform stability and functionality.
Visual Editor
Project Dashboard
Content Editor
Public Mode
Changelog 2.47
- The new non-editable Single Page checkout type is now available. This streamlined approach allows users to complete their purchase seamlessly on a single page, enhancing the overall user experience.

- The Checkout Type section is now available in Settings > Checkout, enabling you to select how your customers will experience the checkout process: Multi-Page or Single Page.
- The With Link toggle is available for the Category Name widget in the Content tab of the Property Panel, allowing you to control whether a URL should navigate to the category page.
- The URL Binding option is now available for collection articles. This feature enables you to assign unique data to each entity in the collection list and individual articles through URL links, allowing you to bypass the item repeater and template logic of the Product List and Collection Article.
- Platform performance has been enhanced, offering smoother and faster operation due to caching improvements.
- The Upgrade Now button is available on the navigation bar for all types of package projects, allowing you to easily upgrade to another plan at any time to unlock additional features and benefits.
- The Hide Block, Duplicate, Move up and Move down action buttons are now visible when the block is selected, allowing you to quickly modify the block's settings and position.
- The Translation app translates the validation message that appears when an unsupported file is added to the File widget.
- The Translation app translates the validation message that appears when incorrect data is filled out on the Sign up page.
- Shipping profiles created from Egypt and Tunisia are successfully displayed in the Public mode.
- The correct project is displayed after switching the domains between the projects.
- The selected language now remains unchanged when discarding modifications in Account Settings > Project Details.
- The values of the Checkbox and Multiselect fields are now visible and function properly in the Visual Editor.
- The Show More button functions properly in My Account > Events > Order Details in the Public mode.
- The search result list is correctly displayed when there is a symbol included in the search input in the Pages app.
- Linked categories removed from the Dashboard are no longer available in the Connection Settings list of the Product Filter widget.
- The permission popup for Design in CMS mode is displayed correctly.
- The values of newly added menu items are displayed successfully in the Content tab.
- The Gift Card Usage row is successfully displayed in My Account > Orders in the Public mode.
- You will be successfully navigated to the corresponding page after editing the alias in the Pages app and clicking the Back button.
- You can now successfully change the font type of the Total widget.
- The Reason dropdown that appears when deleting an account in the Public mode is displayed correctly.
- The Alt text for the product media is now displayed successfully in the Public mode.
- The menu is displayed successfully at the 769-1280 px breakpoint in Design System > Variables.
- You can now successfully modify the color of the Terms of Service widget.
- You can now successfully change the icon of the Button element in the Discount widget.
- Categories that were previously connected to the Product Filter widget are inactive in the Data Source list.
- The image added to the Quote widget is successfully displayed in the Content tab.
- The Column, Row and Gap values are successfully displayed in the Order Summary widget’s Property Panel.
- The searched data in Design System > UI Elements is displayed correctly after entering all the required data.
- The payment methods are displayed correctly when switching languages on the Payment page.
- And 25 other issues and bugs have been fixed to improve platform stability and functionality.
Visual Editor
Content Editor
Public Mode
Changelog 2.46
- The performance of creating, editing, and deleting Collection Articles has been improved due to optimizations.
- A proper message is displayed when hovering over the warning icon near Sender Email in Settings > Project Details.
- A popup prompting to enable Visual Editor is now available when navigating from Content to Visual Editor for the first time.
- The UX improvements have been implemented for the Product Filter widget, enhancing the user experience.
- The Dotted Menu is now displayed in the Media app, enabling you to easily access additional options and features for managing your media content.
- The performance of the Visual Editor has been enhanced due to the replacement of Providers by Redux.
- The Save button remains inactive when accessing the product page with multiple variants.
- When indicating an email in the Settings tab for the From widget, the same notification is sent to both the Admin and the specified email address.
- You will receive an error message when entering incorrect card details or applying an invalid coupon code during checkout in Settings > Billing or during onboarding.
- The name and image of non-physical products are now properly displayed in CRM > Reviews within the opened drawer.
- The button is now displayed in the correct size in the Public mode after a link has been added to the Button widget.
- The Data Source of the Product Filter widget is now successfully updated in the Settings tab when selecting the Data Source from the widget.

- You can now duplicate the widget from the body to the footer.
- The Visual Editor layout functions properly when the Country Flag toggle of the Language Switcher widget is enabled in the List type.
- You can now add a phone number link to the Title widget for countries that share the same country code, as well as for Armenia.
- And 15 other issues and bugs have been fixed to improve platform stability and functionality.
Visual Editor
Project Dashboard
Public Mode
Changelog 2.45
- Users can download tickets directly from the My Account section, enhancing the user experience.
- The default browser notification appears when you allow project notifications from the pop-up banner while opening the Dashboard for the first time․
- You can now download event tickets directly from the Attendees section on your Dashboard, making it easy to manage tickets for your events.
- The Ucraft domain is now available in the Publish popup, making it easy to access the public website by simply opening Publish and clicking the domain link.
- The exported file now includes the extra options for each attendee in a separate column, allowing for easier organization and analysis of attendee-specific details.
- The performance of the Visual Editor has been enhanced by preventing unnecessary re-rendering.
- The "No Results" text is now hidden while products are loading in the Public mode, improving the browsing experience. It will only appear once loading is complete and no products are available to display.
- You can drag and drop the Category Name widget outside the product list on the Event, Booking, and Rental Category pages.
- The weight is successfully displayed on the configurable product page.
- You can successfully edit fields with options after deleting one of the options.
- The collection item page now displays the corresponding data.
- The same media file, when renamed and designed differently, is now successfully displayed upon upload.
- You can now smoothly navigate from the default category page to other category pages without refreshing the page.
- The video icon of the Slider widget is now successfully displayed.
- The multi-select option IDs no longer appear in the single-select dropdown within the Product Filter widget.
- The correct price is now displayed in the Public mode when the service price for the Rental product is set to 0.
- The Publish button is now active when the trigger for the Overlay is deleted.
- The page name translation is now successfully displayed in the Content tab.
- You can now immediately see the corresponding data on the My Brandbooks page, the first time you access it.
- The sign-in page of the UC AI Copilot's generated projects now displays the relevant data.
- And 14 other issues and bugs have been fixed to improve platform stability and functionality.
Visual Editor
Project Dashboard
Public Mode
Changelog 2.44
- You can now easily reorder product media on the Dashboard using the drag-and-drop feature, ensuring the images appear in the same order in the Public mode.
- You can now set the ALT name and description for your product media directly on the product page by clicking the settings icon on the media file.
- You can now select Headings (H1-H6) and Paragraph (p) for Collections/Products Category Name, providing flexibility in organizing and styling your content.
- UC AI Copilot is now available in Ucraft Next, providing you with the tools to easily create your website by prompt or through a project URL you like, using advanced AI technology.
- You can now see the History of your generated websites, allowing you to easily revisit the previous versions and use them if needed.
- You can now select one of the generated logos before creating your website, giving you more control over your branding from the start.
- The media upload process has been optimized, enabling you to upload files directly from your PC for a quicker and smoother experience.
- Loyalty points performance has been improved due to updates in the REST API, leading to faster and more efficient processing.
- You can now place multiple test orders until a real order is received, providing more flexibility during the testing phase.
- The test order process is now streamlined, featuring clear visual indicators such as badges and improved button placement for better usability.
- Missing translations in the Visual Editor have been added for various languages, ensuring improved localization and a better user experience.
- The Sorry, page not found. Please reload the page message no longer appears after leaving the Dashboard open for an extended period.
- User contact information is now displayed correctly when deleting a user from the CRM section.
- The Save button remains inactive when accessing product pages with variants.
- Service variants are now successfully duplicated when duplicating a booking product.
- Price updates for digital products are now correctly displayed in the Public mode.
- The ordered seats for the event become available immediately after a declined transaction.
- Payment messages on the Thank You page are now successfully translated when switching languages.

- Collection articles are now duplicated successfully, even when custom fields are attached.
- After deleting a product, the related redirection is no longer visible in Visual Editor > SEO > Redirections.
- The swatch type resets correctly when switching between attribute types.
- Measurement units are now successfully displayed in the Public mode when the measurement type is set to dropdown.
- You can now successfully delete OG images in Article Management > Categories.
- A correct error message is now displayed when setting a tax rate of 0 in Settings > Taxes.
- SEO redirections set from the Visual Editor now work correctly.
- You can now drop the Category Image and Name widgets onto the Layout Canvas, even if no other elements are present.
- The values of the Checkbox and Multiselect fields are now visible and function properly in the Visual Editor.
- The sorting by price functionality works properly for Rental Products in the Public mode.
- The alias of the main page is now included in the subpage URL in Page Settings.
- Scrolling in the My Blocks section now loads more than the initial 20 blocks.
- Projects that include the word Checkout in their name now function properly in the Public mode.
- The Container link management is now functioning correctly when opening overlays.
- The color chooser popup is now adaptive and fully visible across various screen sizes.
- The Remove Cart Item icon is now properly aligned in the Public mode.
- Logo updates are now displayed correctly without any caching issues.
- The Select Type field is now visible inside the Product List for configurable products in the Public mode.
- Child pages of the last page are now displayed correctly in the Page Selector when there are more than 30 pages.
- The Favorites section in the AI Logo Generator now functions properly.
- And 43 other issues and bugs have been fixed to improve platform stability and functionality.
Visual Editor
Public Mode
Changelog 2.43
- You can now create a test order for your new projects without any actual purchases, enabling you to validate the system functionality without using real customer data before processing live orders.

- DHL is now available in the Ucraft App Store, allowing you to integrate DHL shipping services into your online store, enabling effective order fulfillment and international delivery options.
- You can now use the Product Filter widget on all pages in Visual Editor to streamline product searches and enhance user experience across your website.
- The Translation app successfully translates the weekdays of the date picker, ensuring that users from different linguistic backgrounds can easily navigate and select dates in their preferred language.
- The permissions popup is now available in Visual Editor when saving blocks, ensuring a smoother user experience.
- In the mobile version, the order push notifications redirect the users to the correct order page.
- Filtering multiple options on the product page in the Public mode now displays accurate results.
- You can now successfully edit custom-created roles.
- A proper error message is displayed when applying the AddOn field type to the event product.
- The quantity of products and articles is successfully updated in the chooser list when duplicating items.
- You can now enter only numbers in the Discount Value field when creating a Manual discount.
- You can now successfully link phone numbers to widgets.
- The Price widget functions properly on the Rental page when the rental product has no additional services.
- The Reset Styles feature now functions correctly for the Menu Item element within the Menu widget.
- You can now successfully filter orders by date on the My Account page in the Public mode.
- The correct validation message is displayed when searching for a photo in the free stock during media content upload.
- The search functionality in the SEO section now works correctly across all languages.
- The Data Source list is now correctly displayed, allowing you to link it to the Collection List widget.
- The changes to the Date Format are now successfully applied to the widgets.
- And 17 other issues and bugs have been fixed to improve platform stability and functionality.
Visual Editor
Public Mode
Changelog 2.42
- The Per Rate Type and Per Order Item options are now available for the rental products' AddOn type attributes, allowing you to set how the AddOn attributes are applied to your rental product.
- The functionality of the Publish button has been enhanced, allowing you to selectively control which changes to publish across different pages, making the publishing process more intuitive and flexible.

- The tree structure view now scrolls to the selected section in Pages, making the navigation more seamless.
- The conditions operator dropdown successfully displays the AddOn fields for the automatic discounts.
- The rental product service price is successfully converted in the Public mode.
- The Save button on the Rental Product page becomes active once all mandatory fields are filled out.
- You can now enter decimal numbers in the Usage Limits field on both the automatic and manual discount pages.
- The top panel in Design System > UI Elements now appears without distortion, ensuring that elements are no longer overlapped on smaller screens.
- The system displays the correct UI when editing the corresponding UI element in Design System > UI Elements.
- The base font names with an apostrophe sign are now successfully applied and displayed in Public mode.
- The base font family displayed in the Public mode now matches the one selected in the Visual Editor.
- The translations for the Loyalty Points input placeholder and dropdown placeholder are now visible in both Public mode and the Visual Editor.
- The avatar is now successfully displayed to sign-in users on the User Account page when the Display mode is set to Avatar Only.
- And 29 other issues and bugs have been fixed to improve platform stability and functionality.
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