Hello UCRAFT team! As someone who is professionally engaged in creating animations for websites, I would like to share my observations about your site. I recently noticed that the animated button in the header of the site completely crumbles into pixels when viewed on a 4K monitor. When I looked into the code, I saw that the animation was implemented as a GIF file used as the button's background. I also drew attention to the fact that many of the animations on the site are made in MP4 format and built into the landing page. This is not a problem as long as they are not too heavy or lose quality on different devices. I would like to suggest using the WEBM format for such animations — the video will be both better and lighter. And if you can implement something in JSON format, that would be great! Such technical flaws can have a negative impact on the perception of your company, especially among those who know the technical side. By eliminating these points, you will be able to improve both the appearance and performance of the site.