Visual Editor
Content Editor
Public Mode
Changelog 2.46
- The performance of creating, editing, and deleting Collection Articles has been improved due to optimizations.
- A proper message is displayed when hovering over the warning icon near Sender Email in Settings > Project Details.
- A popup prompting to enable Visual Editor is now available when navigating from Content to Visual Editor for the first time.
- The UX improvements have been implemented for the Product Filter widget, enhancing the user experience.
- The Dotted Menu is now displayed in the Media app, enabling you to easily access additional options and features for managing your media content.
- The performance of the Visual Editor has been enhanced due to the replacement of Providers by Redux.
- The Save button remains inactive when accessing the product page with multiple variants.
- When indicating an email in the Settings tab for the From widget, the same notification is sent to both the Admin and the specified email address.
- You will receive an error message when entering incorrect card details or applying an invalid coupon code during checkout in Settings > Billing or during onboarding.
- The name and image of non-physical products are now properly displayed in CRM > Reviews within the opened drawer.
- The button is now displayed in the correct size in the Public mode after a link has been added to the Button widget.
- The Data Source of the Product Filter widget is now successfully updated in the Settings tab when selecting the Data Source from the widget.

- You can now duplicate the widget from the body to the footer.
- The Visual Editor layout functions properly when the Country Flag toggle of the Language Switcher widget is enabled in the List type.
- You can now add a phone number link to the Title widget for countries that share the same country code, as well as for Armenia.
- And 15 other issues and bugs have been fixed to improve platform stability and functionality.