Visual Editor
Project Dashboard
Public Mode
UC Bot
Changelog 2.48
- Child templates are now available for each product type and category in Visual Editor, allowing you to customize each layout individually to suit the style and requirements of that specific product or category.

- The Reset functionality is now available for the product type and category child templates, enabling you to restore the default layout settings and return to their original appearance.
- The Duplicate functionality is now available for blocks in the Visual Editor, allowing you to create an exact copy for easy editing or reuse.
- Text Wrap is now available in Typography within Visual Editor and Design System, offering options such as Wrap (default), No Wrap, Balance, and Pretty. These options provide flexible text alignment and enhance readability across various layouts.
- Text Overflow is now available in Typography within Visual Editor and Design System, offering options like Clip and Ellipsis to manage how text is displayed when it exceeds its container, ensuring a cleaner and more controlled layout.
- You can now select multiple menu pages at once in the Menu widget when adding links to the navigation menu, making it easier to build and organize your menu.
- The Help icon is now available on the Colors page of the AI Logo Generator mobile version, providing color tooltips.
- A confirmation popup now appears in the AI Logo Generator before closing or reloading the page if a brand book download is in progress, preventing any accidental interruption of the download process.
- A sample logo now appears on the generated website’s preview page, allowing you to check its positioning before selecting one of the generated logo options.
- HayPost is now available in the Ucraft App Store, providing businesses in Armenia with both local and international shipping options, real-time tracking, and on-demand pickup services.
- CDEK is now available in the Ucraft App Store, offering a range of shipping and courier services and providing both domestic and international parcel delivery, express shipping, and e-commerce logistics solutions.
- The Popular Apps category is now available in the Ucraft App Store, showcasing the most frequently installed apps.
- You will receive a card expiration notification for your billing profile if it expires within the current month, helping you stay informed and update your payment details on time.
- Dashboard performance has improved due to visibility filter refactoring.
- The Location section on the Dashboard has been renamed to Warehouse to provide a clearer understanding of its purpose in managing inventory and stock locations.
- During the purchase on the Dashboard, you are now redirected to the corresponding payment gateway to complete your transaction securely.
- The platform performance has been enhanced due to notification template improvement.
- Visibility Settings performance has been improved due to refactoring.
- Missing translations on the My Account page in the Visual Editor have been added to the Translation App, enhancing localization and providing a better user experience.
- The Heading and Paragraph settings no longer impact elements within the Rich Text editor, allowing for more precise control over text styling within the editor itself.
- The initial blocks of the website generated in UC AI Copilot now display Lorem Ipsum content, enhancing the user experience.

- In the UC AI Copilot, the loading icon is now displayed in the prompt field while the website description is being generated, showing the progress of the generation.
- In the UC AI Copilot, the Regenerate this Prompt button has been removed to prevent accidental website regeneration and simplify the user experience.
- Phishing detection has been updated with new tools to prevent any potential vulnerabilities between you and your customers.
- The AI Logo Generator mobile version has been updated, providing a more stable version and better UX.
- An Empty State is now available for search results in the Ucraft App Store, providing a clear message when no matching apps are found.
- The search page UX has been improved, offering a smoother and more intuitive experience for finding apps in the Ucraft App Store.
- An Empty State is now available for the project switcher, providing a clear message when no projects are available to select.
- Changes made to venue names in Event List are now applied instantly without requiring a page refresh.
- Videos are now successfully displayed in the Public mode on iPhone devices.
- The Migration mode is now displayed correctly without any irrelevant data.
- The edited values for Padding, Radius, Border, and Margin system variables are now successfully updated in the Public mode.
- The Mode Switcher widget dropdown menu no longer expands in Visual Editor.
- The texts in Armenian are displayed with the correct dimensions in Content > SEO.
- The Product Name widget successfully inherits link styles from the Design System.
- The extra dropdown near the pagination has been removed.
- The overlay now successfully opens when adding a link to the Button widget, even if no trigger is set.
- Default placeholders are successfully displayed on the newly created product single page when navigating from another product page.
- In the Public mode, users can no longer sign up on the Sign-Up page without ticking the Terms of Service checkbox.
- You can now change the Radio Button mode in Design System > UI Elements.
- The first block is now properly displayed in the AI Logo Generator mobile version.
- The History section properly displays the history of previously created websites in the UC AI Copilot.
- The Bring Backward and Bring Forward buttons function properly in the AI Logo Generator’s SVG Editor.

- In the AI Logo Generator's SVG Editor, the Undo/Redo buttons now function correctly, even when no figure is selected.
- You can now successfully change the icon size in the AI Logo Generator’s SVG Editor.
- The customized logo appears in the Favorites section of the AI Logo Generator’s SVG Editor.
- The Sync button in the Ucraft App Store functions properly.
- You can now successfully deactivate the installed app in the Apps section.
- And 43 other issues and bugs have been fixed to improve platform stability and functionality.