Visual Editor
Project Dashboard
Content Editor
Public Mode
UC Bot
Changelog 1.4
- Shipping Method Management is now available for you with two options: Self Pickup and Shipping Profiles, to create pickup points based on your locations and shipping methods.
- You can now set the country/region to which the shipping methods are applicable.
- You can now apply pricing conditions (per weight, per item, flat rate, or free shipping) to the shipping methods.
- Your customers can now choose their preferable shipping method or pickup point and define the time slot when checking out.
- You can now customize the style of the Shipping Chooser widget to improve the buyer experience.
- The View icon in the Layers section now indicates the objects hidden using the CSS Display style.
- The website entities now have their visibility settings based on location, IP, language, session, and device.
- The live website URL is now displayed when navigating from the Project List to the Public Website of a project.
- The interface of the Login and Registration pages is improved for a better UX.
- The onboarding flow for both mobile and web versions is redesigned for a better UI.
- Your customers are now redirected to the single product page when clicking the Add to Cart button in the Product List widget for digital products.
- The Download Invoice button is no longer available for unpaid orders.
- The Product List widget is no longer visible in the Public Mode unless it is attached to a data source.
- The texts that cannot be translated in the Visual Editor are now available in the currently supported languages.
- The Editor mode properly loads when navigating back from the Preview mode.
- Browser autofill can now be used to successfully log in or sign up.
- Your customers can now successfully hide/unhide the entered password using the View icon when signing in/up.
- Only the tab-specific content is now loaded when switching between the tabs on the My Account page.
- The Pagination widget is now displayed to your customers in the proper styling.
- The Add to Cart widget now stops loading once the Shopping Cart drawer is in an open state.
- A correct URL is now generated when navigating to the system pages after changing the language.
- The Language Switcher widget is now inactive if there are no other active languages.