


Visual Editor

Project Dashboard

Content Editor

Public Mode


Changelog 1.5

  • You can now create Item Collections sharing the same fields to launch targeted marketing campaigns and promote related items.
  • You can now assign custom Fields to Collections to further design Collection Items.
  • You can now create a Collection Category and design them separately.
  • Appropriate pages are now automatically generated when creating a Collection Item and Collection Category.
  • You can now create a Heading Type Menu Item in the Menu widget as a heading for subpages.
  • An Alt section is now available for videos to improve accessibility and SEO.
  • You can now access the mobile version of all pages using the QR codes available for each page in the Pages app.
  • You can now save blocks to existing categories to easily filter and organize them.
  • The widgets in the Visual Editor are now organized into logical groups for a better user experience.
  • The default number of products in stock for a template is set to 10.
  • You can now download the data associated with your account.
  • The page load is improved for the Sign In/Up, Forgot Password, Search, Product List, and Checkout page-specific widgets.
  • The user interface of the Product List Settings section is improved.
  • The Order Calculation widget is now available on all the relevant templates.
  • The Meta Name and Meta Description of products are now being successfully updated.
  • The Logo added in dark mode is now displayed properly.
  • The Change Image option is now in the widget Content section.
  • You can now make changes to the language hidden in the Dashboard settings.
  • You can now preview the PDF file in the Media App.
  • The Quick Style editor now closes automatically after changes have been applied.
  • The translations of Attributes are now displayed in the Visual Editor when switching between languages.
  • The preview of the saved block is now displayed in the My Blocks section.
  • The changes applied to the Colors section are now instantly reflected in the Public Mode without publishing.
  • The Stock Level, SKU, Name, Description, Width, Height, Depth, Weight, and Brand widgets are now named accordingly in the Layers section.
  • The Social media URLs provided in the Dashboard are now linked to the Follow Us widget.
  • Your customers can now successfully check out when purchasing Digital and Booking type products.
  • You can now create a new Brand directly on the Product creation page.
  • Your customers can now successfully submit forms containing a Phone Number field.
  • You can now successfully sort the products in a Product List.
  • The view of Review Submission is now the same both in the Dashboard and Public Mode.
  • The Abandoned Checkout logic now applies to all product types.
  • The project owner now receives an email notification of a permission request from the team member.
  • The proper skeleton is now displayed when loading the product media.
  • 65 other bugs are fixed to improve the platform stability and functionality.