


Visual Editor

Project Dashboard

Content Editor

Public Mode


Changelog 1.8

  • The permissions for Content Management System (CMS) and Visual Editor (VE) have been separated based on the chosen plans: the Free plan offers only the CMS mode, the others also include VE. You can now use these permissions to give your team members access to either CMS or VE mode.
  • You and your team will now get more personalized marketing emails from Ucraft Next based on your roles on the project.
  • The Map widget now supports Google Map Settings, where you can enable or disable zoom level and browsing street view to further customize the widget.
  • You can now bind different products and categories to Product List widget on the Single Product Page instead of only the current product.
  • The improvements under Link Management now allow you to include symbols within URLs.
  • You can now rearrange the UI elements within the Cart Summary widget to achieve a more customized UX.
  • The User Account drawer borders have been removed to enable more flexibility in styling your website design.
  • You can now add links to the content of the Container widget, allowing your customers to easily navigate to new routes through appropriate CTAs.
  • You can now use emojis in the text editor to make your text content more engaging.
  • You can now add a name for external links in the relevant field directly on the Property Panel, simplifying the process of including external links.
  • You can now independently publish/ unpublish the same page in each language, having the flexibility to keep the page published in other languages while editing on another.
  • The collection fields and product attributes are now separated to allow you to create and manage different properties independently for products or items.
  • The UI of the checkout flow during the onboarding process has been updated to deliver more detailed information regarding the selected plan.
  • The Add to Cart action is now faster due to reducing the number of function calls.
  • The typography bar is now closed on outclick.
  • You can now successfully change the language on the SEO page.
  • You can now successfully style the Address section of the My Account widget.
  • You can now control the visibility of widgets using the General Visibility toggle available on the Property Panel.
  • You can now successfully edit or delete the saved blocks.
  • Modifications made to different pages are now automatically saved and showcased in the Public Mode with a single publishing action.
  • Changes made to the Collection Category page are successfully autosaved.
  • The watermark now automatically disappears on upgrading your plan without the publish action.
  • The Publish button is now dynamically activated only when modifications are made to the page.
  • You can now successfully select any UI element from the designer tools in the Visual Editor without causing console errors.
  • The User Account drawer is no longer accessible when the website is set offline.
  • The auto-slide functionality of the Slider widget now works properly.
  • Adding text is now mandatory in the Selection type fields of the Form widget.
  • The style changes made to the Signature field of the Form widget are now accurately displayed in the Public Mode.
  • The links in the Menu widget are now displayed in the Public Mode with the preset color.
  • The empty data fields are now auto-filled for the registered users with the data entered in the checkout flow.
  • The main Item with submenus in the Menu widget is now not possible.
  • The booking-type products added to the customer’s cart comply to the changes simultaneously made by the merchant.
  • You can now successfully edit the roles in the Team application.
  • The changes made to rental-type products are now successfully saved.
  • The new owner now receives an accurate email when invited to the project via the Team application.
  • 43 other bugs are fixed to improve the platform stability and functionality.